

Where is Amcomri Entertainment’s corporate headquarters?

222 Bay St. Suite 3000,
ON M5K 1E7,

Where is Amcomri Entertainment’s head office?

2 John St,
United Kingdom

What are the locations that Amcomri operates in?

Amcomri Entertainment is a global entertainment company, with offices in Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, and Monaco, with an office opening in the United States soon.

On what stock exchange(s) is Amcomri Entertainment traded and under what symbol?

Amcomri Entertainment is traded on the NEO Exchange under “AMEN”, OTC under “AMNNF”, and Frankfurt under” 25Y0”.

How can I purchase Amcomri Entertainment shares?

Shares can be purchased through any full service or discount registered broker. Shares cannot be purchased directly from Amcomri Entertainment.

Does Amcomri Entertainment pay a dividend on its stock?

We currently intend to retain future earnings to fund the growth of our business and do not currently anticipate paying dividends.

When is Amcomri Entertainment’s fiscal year end?

Our fiscal year end is December 31.

Who is Amcomri Entertainment’s Independent Registed Public Accounting Firm?

Our auditors are:

1 Adelaide St E,
ON M5C 2V9,

Who is Amcomri Entertainment’s transfer agent?

Amcomri Entertainment’s transfer agent is:

Odyssey Trust Company,
Trader’s Bank Building 702,
67 Yonge St,
ON M5E 1J8,

When is Amcomri Entertainment next earnings released?

Amcomri Entertainment will publish its upcoming earnings dates under Events & Presentations.

Whom should I contact regarding investor enquiries?

We can be reached via the Investor dropdown on the contact page or by email at

Where can I find all filings for Amcomri Entertainment? Where can I download and view quarterly and annual reports?

You can find all Amcomri Entertainment SEDAR fillings by visiting Quarterly and annual reports are available under Financials.

How do I get added to Amcomri Entertainment’s email distribution list?

A signup form can be found at the bottom of this web page.

Where and when was the Company incorporated?

Amcomri Entertainment was incorporated in Toronto in January 2022.

What is the CUSIP number for the Company’s Class A common shares?
